Unique Facts About Dinosaur
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The Heaviest Dinosaur.
This title is given to the Brachiosaurus weighing 80 tons. This equates to a weight of 17 African elephants. Brachiosaurus has a height of 16 meters and 26 meters long. This is the largest dinosaur skeleton mounted in the museum.The Smallest Dinosaur
The smallest adult dinosaur fossil is a small bird-hipped plant eaters like Lesothosaurus. This Dino is just about the size of a chicken. Examples of smaller fossils ever found, but it's a dinosaur baby.
Smartest Dinosaur
One of the smartest dino was Troodon. Daily, Troodon other dino hunt. It has a length of about 2 m with a brain as big as birds or mammals today. It also has an arm that is capable of holding.
Dumbest dinosaurs
There smartest dino, dino then there is also the stupidest. This position is occupied Stegosaurus had a brain of a walnut, a length of only 3 cm with a weight of 75 grams.
The Fastest Dinosaur
It was Dromiceiomimus that resemble ostrich mimic. It can run at a speed of 60 km per hour. My maximum speed when riding a motorcycle.
The Strongest Carnivore
Some believe that The Legend "T-rex" is the strongest one. Me too.
The Biggest Flying Dinosaur
Most of the flying dinosaurs (and other flying creatures) do not have a large size, because the large size of the mean body weight and body makes it difficult to raise them in the air. Quetzalcoatlus, flying dinosaur from Mexico is an exception.
The length of one of its wings reaching 12m (2 wings mean total length 24 m). If its wings outstretched, this dinosaur may be larger than T-Rex though! It measures the experts who make a big confusion, how animals fly?
The experts who make a picture of this dinosaur were found, this animal weighs only about 80 pounds since her bones hollow, very light for its size.
The Thickest Skin Dinosaur
Glyptodon is large and has a protective mammals related to armadillos. Lived during the Pleistocene epoch Glyptodon. Glyptodon flatter than the Volkswagen Beetle, but it has the same big and heavy. Glyptodon believed to be herbivorous animals that eat grass and other plants near the river. Mammals are large and heavy and just move one or two miles per hour.
posted by arispark
wow, interesting facts! hahah